Originally uploaded by woodcut55
I just added a new feature to my Orange blog which allows me to post my blogs from the photo sharing site FLICKR.com and today I am trying it out with this portrait of Kelly O'Brien. She is the leader of the team who is creating the Moving Parts small artists book collection at Pyramid Atlantic Studios. I volunteered to help her and the team build 50 large red and black clam shell boxes for the collections ten artists book about the City Dance company's season. Last Saturday I felt like we should have some document of our team at work out here on the web.
There were four of us working Saturday afternoon but I only captured Kelly and Jody this time. There will be plenty of time to catch the rest of the team. In this photo you see Kelly stacking bricks on the 3rd box we have finished building. We plan to have 10 complete by the premier event Friday, December 11th, 2009 from 6pm to 8pm at Hillyer Art Space (located at 9 Hillyer Court NW)
I am not sure this technique of writing a blog post from the Flickr site is going to be as flexible as using Blogger to write my posts. Blogger I have been using for the past year. I wanted to explore more ways to use new connections to share photos and ideas. One new feature of the Flickr connection, if you click on the photo in this blog post it will take you to my Flickr pages. There you can see the whole set of images I have posted from Pyramid Atlantic Studios. the past year I am really enjoying working with new book and print artists and it is beginning to make me feel like I am part of the family at Pyramid Atlantic. I first worked at Pyramid Atlantic when it was located in Riverdale Md. back in 2002 with Steven Stichter (letter press printer) and Monica Hand (poet) We called our production Seven Hands Press and created a beautiful book of Haiku poems in an edition of 100 and only completed building 55 books over the course of about 18 months.
Facebook has stolen some of my steam for writing blogs but I am sure this is more interesting work than posting little bits of whimsy, political commentary and news on that social networking site. I enjoy Facebook but it isn't as fore filling as writing a real post and sharing photos here has been. The good part about Facebook is that I have found a connection to many people I thought were lost and I can share these blog posts with them there.
News flash! I just saw that the yellow bellied sap sucker (woodpecker) has returned to drill new holes in the tree by my window and sip the sap he is so skilled at removing. He was here earlier this year and posed for a few photos...
1 comment:
Frederick, love your blog and thanks for posting something about Moving Parts! We would not be hitting our goal for 10 finished boxes by the launch event without you!!
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