Wednesday, September 1, 2010

local trees

workers planting new trees at the far end of the community play grounds
new redbud trees at Turkey Thicket Community Center
more new redbud trees along the edges of the ball field

tall locust trees at either end of the ball fields

Yesterday, the last day of August, I came by Turkey Thicket community center and was delighted and concerned to see a few dozen new trees laying on the ground. Hours later they were planted in the ground with mulch and green water gator bags filled. Since the center opened a few years ago no new trees have been planted around this huge area of game fields. During the heat of most summer days walking or exercise on the track is rough with no shade. In a few years now there will be some and having more trees and a wee bit less grass mowing will help absorb some of those green house gases that make our summers hotter.

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