I have to confess that show and tell is about my favorite thing to do. That is one reason I enjoy going to the DC Modern Quilters Guild meeting the other is to see what other artists are doing with their quilting and to learn from them anything I can about how to make my own work better and sometimes easier. This month we had another sewing day at Westover Library out in Arlington, VA it was a lovely day to spend with my new friends. I took my quilting projects and planned to work on the Seminole Quilting with my little feather weight Singer using the new walking foot attachment. It was really the only project I had that was ready to work on for the 4 hour meeting. I have made some headway but I think machine quilting is much more challenging than the fun quilt top piecing projects I have been enjoying this year. I got a few photos of me presenting my projects to the group of ready and curious quilters from one of the other members I admire. Jessie Aller is designer and quilter and she has a great blog here:
Elle (left), our new DCMQG president, holding up Jessie's (right) Modern Dresden Plate quilt during show and tell. |
Jessie showing her new fabrics for another Dresden plate quilt which includes her own fabrics soon to be available in fine quilting shops. |
There are a few charity projects that are going on at the group level for volunteers. One of these is hosted by the Modern Quilt Guild Conference, It is a quilt done in the conference colors, the challenge is described in detail here
Several quilt blocks were sent to our group and they are being Incorporated into a DCMQG quilt to be donated to a new children's homeless shelter near the conference in Austin, Texas. They asked us all to add a block or two and make a finished twin quilt. I jumped in at the last minute and made one block for the project with fabrics other members shared from their collections. Someone laid out our blocks, on the ugly carpeting, to try and find a nice design for our twin quilt. These blocks will be surrounded with a sort of rainbow of the colors and white. Jessie did a few sketches of various layouts we could try.
Left in turquoise skirt, Deanne owner of the Quilt Haus and creative Sewlutions near Austin TX. who visited and gave out some free samples of fabrics. She also helped us get the donation blocks ready to sew together and began the "rainbow blocks seen here hanging on the wall beginning with Orange at the top ending with turquoise at the bottom. |
Frederick, you are amazing. I can't believe that you remember as many names as you do and got pictures and added some of our blog names too. And, oh yeah, your quilting is amazing too!
Linda F.
I am so glad to finally have met you Frederick! I had heard nice things about you and they were absolutely right! I am in AWE of your handsewing! Can't wait to see more of what you do.
LOVE the Seminole quilt!!!
Your Sister!
What a wonderful post about a wonderful day! We're lucky to have such a great group of folks (ever expanding). And I meant to have everyone say their names as they present...will do better next time! I'm also going to start interviewing folks for the blog, which will make it easier to get to know everyone better! :). I'm going to link up to this later today...really lovely!
Thanks Linda, Jenny and Elle for your comments.
We do have a growing group. The name tags helped but Elle we need to make sure they are bold enough for old eyes to read.
Anjeanette your too kind! I have to say that there is something really satisfying about working by hand. I am saving my crazy quilt work to show and tell some time. Between that and the Yoyo coverlet I got a real thing for hand work which came together in the Rose Star project.
Beautiful work! I am so glad you brought your quilts in to share!
I so love handwork too, Frederick, I think that's why your quilts are so amazing. You look at it and imagine all the time that went into each stitch. And working on them is addictive, no? I get rather antsy now when I don't have a hand work project i can pick up in spare minutes! A lovely write up and thanks for the kind words.
Oh, and I will bring a Sharpie for the name tags next time!
Thanks Jessie :-)
Wow cannot wait for the finished quilt!! Its a gift for me right? LOL
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