sempervivums mixed with three types of sedum are showing some great colors on the front steps next to the Robins nest...
a clear view of our Orange breasted Robin's 4 blue eggs.

my first shot of the brown (root beer) bearded iris was what I was hoping for but it looks more red than what I wanted to be a dark brown.

my brown iris looks more red in some lighting situations

blue nigella sporting only a single row of petals is an odd hybrid

smooth edged bi-colored hosta next to the golden rippled leave are a nice contrast.

equisetum, daylily and golden hosta leaves mixed
I bought a bag of 5 different colored bearded iris several years ago at a nursery way out in Beltsville, MD. That autum I didn't get them in the ground. They waited until spring or sometime in summer before I put them in the dirt. Iris need two years until the plant is established to flower and in this case I slowed it all down by procrastination the first season. Now I am a little surprised and delighted to have a couple of the flowers showing their true colors. One never knows if they will match the accompanying photos at the store. Today we got a bloom on this brown iris, I was a little surprised how red it looked in the photos. I think I bought a brown, orange, white, purple and red iris on that trip. So far this season we had blooms by a new ruffled bearded white, purple and this today looks like a brown but maybe I am wrong it could be called red. I am kind of lost but red iris was planted in a different location next to the orange if my labels are correct this year they are still not ready to bloom. In time all will be clear.
Robins are running everywhere around our yard this year. The House wren's came and left, not choosing or using our fancy house wren bird house this year so the Robins are taking up the slack.
I counted 7 robins in the back yard yesterday and in the front a new nest is brooding with 4 eggs right next to the front door. I could reach over and help myself they are so close to the steps but I won't because I like watching them nurture the babies. More photos from the garden are on my pages check out the newest here Flickr.comGarden2010
If you look on that flickr page in the upper right hand side there is a tiny movie screen icon labeled slideshow and if you click on that it will begin a slide show on your computer. Enjoy!
1 comment:
beautiful flowers! Don't know which ones I like the best! The orange rose is gorgeous and the brown iris is intriguing! Your Sister!
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