Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Williamsburg II

There was a first day on our visit to Willamsburg when we toured the gardens and just enjoyed the beautiful light on all the old and reconstructed buildings. I get a kick out of looking and making photos of all these patterns colors textures and compositions.
Pomegranates ripe and ready

pomegranate flowering in a pot


beauty berry a native to Virginia 

cool porch design in a back yard view

lady in red riding sidesaddle 

gate with a hedge overhead 

fancy backyard 

Lady riding in a towncar

handsome out house 

another white mulberry leans over the street 

passing colonials 

lady with a hen

hen on a leash was with the lady in red

Orange leaves against the red wall

kitchen garden and out houses for smoking meats and keeping milk cold 

hen house 

Tavern kitchen garden 

white mulberry tree trunk cut back but not down

unusual fence design framing the lovely hedge and yellow leaves 

Love that blue sky against the red and orange 

The old courthouse under the cotton puff clouds

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