Sunday, May 24, 2009

the next day

See the new red bud tree here by the truck driver's door. 

The day after the dead tree was cut down and chipped into mulch, workers came back with a stump extractor. It was a sudden loud noise which alerted me to their arrival. I watched the crew digging out the stump and filling in the hole. I wish they had planted another red bud tree in that hole. I like our new red bud tree so far and I have been nursing it with attention and water to see that it survives. The first year is always the hardest for a tree to get roots established in a new planting. We have seen many trees down the street die the first year because during hot dry summers  no one watered them during that crucial period.  Maybe I can encourage them to come and plant a matching red bud tree in the fall near the one I am nursing on our curbside. 
We still have the large Linden tree that died last summer standing on our corner. I plan to call the mayor's hot line to see what can be done about this tree. As they say:"the squeaky wheel gets oiled" so I plan to start calling right after the holiday weekend. I see it as my duty to do my part to green the city. I can help the trees here on my corner get started in their first year or two with water. Down the street is more difficult for me to address. 
I dream about having a big water truck that I could drive around and water newly planted trees in our area. It is so sad to see them expire just for lack of attention. 

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